The Greensboro Shrine Club was founded approximately 1915 in Greensboro where they met upstairs at the old King Cotton Hotel at the corner of Davie and Market Street. Here is where they organized the Club and started holding their meetings. Approximately in 1916 behind the old Mayfare Cafeteria at the corner of Friendly Avenue and David Street (currently a Parking Garage) Greensboro Shrine Club started meeting there, plus the Oriental Band started practicing here at the newly formed club. Approximately in 1951 the Club purchased the land at 5010 High Point Road to build a new club. The Club opened its doors around 1954 which the Club renamed itself “Oriental Shrine Club”. The Club served Greensboro and High Point Shriners for a few years. Approximately in 1958 the High Point Shriners founded their own Club in High Point. Oriental Shrine Club retained this name until 2013 when the Club renamed itself back to “Greensboro Shrine Club” due to the location of the Club. Greensboro Shrine Club is one of the oldest Clubs under the Oasis Shrine Temple of Charlotte, NC. To this date Greensboro Shrine Club has had 13 Past Potentates of the Oasis Shrine Temple and many Honary Past Potentates. Of the 13 Club Past Potentates, several are still active in the Club.
Shriners is a fraternity based on fun, fellowship and the Masonic principles of brotherly love, truth and relief.
Throughout history both the Freemasons and Shriners have had a reputation for secrecy, but our mission is straightforward. Shriners are committed to:
Shriners are a brotherhood of men committed to family, engaged in ongoing personal growth, and dedicated to providing care for children and families in need. Our backgrounds and interests are diverse, but we are bound together by our shared values and a desire to have fun, do good and build relationships that can last a lifetime.
Although Shriners International is a brotherhood, it is also an organization focused on bringing families together. Many of our fraternity’s activities are designed to involve family members, promote our shared values and help develop the next generation of community and business leaders. A variety of affiliated groups for both women and children, emphasizing personal growth, fun and friendship, participate with Shriners.
Shriners count among our ranks presidents, senators, local business leaders, professional golfers, country music stars, astronauts and racecar drivers. We believe it is also important to be a leader in your personal life. Our unique brotherhood helps good men become better – at home, at work and in business.
Shriners Hospitals for Children® were founded in 1922 with the goal of providing expert medical care for children with no financial burden to the patients or their families.
Today that philanthropic effort supports the health care system’s 22 facilities across the U.S., Canada and Mexico, treating children up to 18 years of age who have orthopaedic conditions, burns, spinal cord injuries, and cleft lip and palate. Our advanced care is provided in a family-centered environment that is focused on maximizing a child’s quality of life, regardless of the family’s ability to pay.
A person wishing to join the Greensboro Shrine Club must be a member in good standing with the Oasis Shriners A.A.O.N.M.S. Charolett, NC. He must submit a Membership Application provided by the Club to the Board of Directors. Each applicant must be endorsed by at least two members, who will sponsor the applicant at the next Board meeting. Email the Greensboro Shrine Club (
) for more information.
Phone: 336-209-3230